Do you also tend to not get a discount (at museums, galleries, zoos etc.) when traveling that normally would be available for local citizens with a disability because they have the local/national disability card but you don't?
I'm sad that there's still no united/international disability card. The EU Comission is working on that but looks like it will take a couple of more years until this comes to life. 😔 And that's only for the EU.
From time to time I struggle with getting the discount, even if there is written that people with (any or a certain) disability can get one - and I have the national card with the information in English too.
And I have no idea how they will arrange the definitions of the levels of disabilities because I believe every country has its own. For example if in one country 60% still counts as profound disability, then in another country the same percents maybe counts as severe disability. So where is the boundary/line between these? (Rhetorical question.) 😄