Hello! (Just want to say that my tics have only present for a bit over three months.) One time my friend tried to give me a tic which was really frustrating and I don't know what to say if people do this, (same friend also one time asked, "What if your just faking all of this?") But also how you deal with people teasing you at school. Some kids at school were mocking one of my tics and laughing right in front of me in my math class. I kind of just hid in the bathroom for 5 minutes and never ended up telling my teacher. I didn't know how to tell my teacher as it hasn't happened since. I know I should tell one of the teachers, and they should know why thats not ok. How do I deal with this if it happens in the future? (This happened over a month ago so I don't know what to do, sorry.)
(Sorry this whole paragraph is very confusing and hard to read-)
That's so awful! I am so sorry to hear that you are going through that! 😥 I went through hell also in school I was constantly bullied everyday for just being different and having ADHD. The best advice I can give you is to get tough and also get creative with how you respond to these bullies for example you can tell them that your tics are actually a demon that lives inside you that is trying to get out so they better stop poking at it lmao🤣. Trust me they will back off and leave you alone after hearing some crazy stuff like that lol 😂